The Wash project

The WASH Project aims at improving the sanitation and living conditions of pupils living in remote villages on Mindoro Island, in the Philippines. The initiative involves the construction of pit-toilets, wash tops and water networks in 9 local schools to ensure that students have access to safe water and basic sanitation.

The volunteers from the Parents and Teachers Association of each school play an important role in the project. They helped in the transportation and distribution of construction materials, as well as with the communication between Kito and the workers as these schools are located in remote and mountainous areas. 

from 2021

The Wash project

The Wash project aims to improve health conditions of the children of Mindoro Island, Philippines, through the construction of basic sanitation facilities.

In the construction process, we give special attention to promoting sustainable development by using local materials such as wood and bamboo, employed using construction techniques capable of ensuring stability for the structures in the face of the frequent typhoons and earthquakes. The participatory process and constructive sustainability of the project, also aimed at enhancing local craftsmanship, are a key feature of Kito’s action.

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